Thursday 19 November 2009


Another good one! you can see the actual video footage of Conrad Killer Murray speaking out
here! He does not seem sincere to me, his eyes look cold and he seems to have well rehearsed
his speech, he may even be reading it from somewhere. I don't know why people are saying innocent till proven guilty! this man is clearly guilty of at least negligence, I don't care if he helped a few local's with their back problems or whatever, he gave a man a drug that could kill him, whether he asked for it or not, he still should not have given it to him under any circumstances! I am surprised with him being a black man that he could be so slack and do this, Michael probably trusted him being a man of color, you would expect this from some racist money grabbing white man of power who wanted MJ put down, but a black Caribbean man? wtf!

I guess greed motivates anyone regardless of their color or culture. sad.


  1. What the hell was that so called 'doc' thinking & doing? THINKING that he could play 'God' with the life of another human being & THINKING that he could get away with it!! What was he DOING giving CPR to Michael on a bed?? & what was he DOING adminstering a drug ,that he wasn't probably qualified enough to use in a hospital let alone in a patients own home?? I mean, I alongside other fully qualified first aiders know what we can & can't do when treating a patient!!!
    Makes me soo angry when people think they are above everyone else!!
    Oh, a message to that so called doc..WHERE'S your apology and/or condolosences to Michael's family?????
    That so called vid was just you trying to cover your own backside nuthing else!! Oh poor you, can't answer your calls/emails or go out with body guards, well who's fault is that!!! Well, at least your kids have their Daddy (oh hang on, how much Child Support do you owe??), I hope you can sleep at night knowing that each & every night Prince, Paris & Blanket are crying out for their Daddy!!

  2. WEll SAID Nutsbutnice! thanks for your contribution! it's nice to know that other fans can read my blog! please subscribe! x

  3. oops sorry! I've just realized who you are! sorry, I didn't recognize the blog name! lol

  4. HAHA same here I didn't recognise you either as was expecting your Ebay name. Maybe you could put this blog on a search engine to gather more fans.
    Thanks for the compliment even though you seemed surprised that it came from me!! LOL!!

  5. I don't know how to put it on a search engine, do you? I will have to look into that! thanks. x

  6. I will find out for you ok matey x
