Monday 2 November 2009

Michael Jackson wallpaper

there are some stunning Michael Jackson wallpapers out there that have been made by fans the world over, I am using one now myself, (see above) and thought I would collect some of my favorites and put them on here for all of MJfans unite supporters, although no one has subscribed yet and this is a new blog, I will keep the blog up regardless because I love MJ, but it would be alot more comforting if I knew there were others supporting and commenting and that I was doing this for other people and not just myself! so if you have found this blog please subscribe and comment to show your support, I'm just getting started but I am very passionate about what I believe in and one thing that I will always believe in no matter what is Michael Jackson! so nothing can touch the enthusiasm and dedication that I have for this! not even my hectic lifestyle of studying 2 courses and raising kids! R.I.P. MJ I love you. x

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