Tuesday 1 December 2009

Michael Jackson Artwork

Hi guys, whoever may be watching! lol Sorry I haven't blogged for a while I've just been busy, besides no-one is watching this blog! except you C! (thanks)

I just thought I'd post some Michael Jackson Artworks that I have found to share as they are very nice. ;D I'd just like to add that I do not own any of the above artwork, it has all been found on the internet and I am not trying to take credit for any of it, I just wanted to share it on my blog so more people can see it. thanks.

Thursday 19 November 2009


Another good one! you can see the actual video footage of Conrad Killer Murray speaking out
here! He does not seem sincere to me, his eyes look cold and he seems to have well rehearsed
his speech, he may even be reading it from somewhere. I don't know why people are saying innocent till proven guilty! this man is clearly guilty of at least negligence, I don't care if he helped a few local's with their back problems or whatever, he gave a man a drug that could kill him, whether he asked for it or not, he still should not have given it to him under any circumstances! I am surprised with him being a black man that he could be so slack and do this, Michael probably trusted him being a man of color, you would expect this from some racist money grabbing white man of power who wanted MJ put down, but a black Caribbean man? wtf!

I guess greed motivates anyone regardless of their color or culture. sad.


Here's an even better one to watch! I've seen clips of the video, and I personally
don't think he sounds sincere, it's far too well rehearsed, I think he's a liar and a


What an idiot doctor! you don't give a patient that drug at
then take over 2 hours to call paramedics!


Boy is that some good news! the lying son of a bitch that started Michael's down fall all because he wanted some money to set up his own label shot himself in the head with a shotgun! justice if you ask me! Evan Chandler was the man who befriended Michael back in the early 90's and then started hanging around him like all the other leaches for money, he, his wife and son Jordan Chandler all started staying at Neverland with Michael together, it was not just Jordy as some presume, Evan even asked Michael to build an extra wing on to his house for them and when he said no he asked him if he'd buy them a house! Evan grew jealous that his wife and son started spending more time with Michael than him and decided he wanted payback so he drugged his son and got him to lie about Michael touching him inappropriately, he also wanted revenge on his wife, as you can see here in this recorded statement that Evan made in reference to his wife and Michael Jackson:

“And if I go through with this, I win big time,” Chandler allegedly said. “There’s no way I lose. … I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever. June will lose [custody] and Michael’s career will be over.”

(Taken fromhttp://www.inquisitr.com/48342/evan-chandler-dead/)

This statement was originally taken from a recording and Chandlers solicitors tried to claim that he was not talking about Michael Jackson! please!

Michael's Insurance company then paid him $20,000 to just drop it, (obviously this worked as all Evan ever wanted was the money) because the whole thing was having an effect on Michael's health. And for anyone sitting there thinking he did it, let me ask you this, don't you think that the MOTHER would be the one pursuing this, not the farther? or for her to be at least as much involved? wouldn't the mother refuse money and want justice for her little boy? well the mother was not involved and was reported to have said she had no problems with her son being around Michael Jackson and was never suspicious, surely the mother would have a gut feeling if anything happened to her child? and if she can be so relaxed about it even after her son has supposedly said something happened... well that seem strange to me.

Also Michael allowed police to look at, examine and photograph his private parts whilst he was stood on a platform in a room full of people to prove his innocence as he knew whatever Jordy and his farther said about his private parts could not be true, apparently Michael ran from the room crying twice during that examination it was that humiliating and embarrassing for him, I don't need to elaborate on this as that is a whole separate issue but fans will know what I mean.
And of course there is the tape and what we know of Evan trying to get money of out of Michael before hand to become a rapper! lol what an idiot! where are his songs then if he has any talent?

Also if you look into the type of person Evan Chandler was he was not a nice man, his own son took out a restraining order against him in 1996 because he attacked him over the head with a dumbbell! I wonder why? maybe he was trying to get him to pull another scam?

Speculation about why he shot himself varies, I have read posts from fans claiming the guilt made him do it, that after discovering that his blood money did not indeed lead to happiness, (Evan died alone and was not discovered till days later by his concierge, obviously he wouldn't have family visiting him) he had cut himself off from his family, refusing to go to events as he had become paranoid, thinking that MJ fans were going to recognize him and beat him up, (he was beat up not long after the allegations and he apparently blamed MJ fans, guilt anyone?) I have also read from a non- Michael Jackson fan that he killed himself because his son was molested, which is highly doubtful, if that were the case he would have done it sooner rather than accept money! you could argue the same for the "guilt" theory, but guilt can manifest over time, of course there was the added element of failure, depression, loneliness, and the realization that money does not bring happiness to consider.

Police say there was no suicide note, this could be a lie to prevent mass media frenzy, or maybe it's true, maybe he just killed himself cause he'd had enough, life is what you make it after all, and lies and deception will not lead to happiness.

R.I.P. Michael, Evan I can't say I feel anything but happiness that one of the negative factors in such a loving and kind souls life has finally left this earth, you should have done it sooner.

Sorry if that sounds cold, I do not wish eternal hell upon him or anything like that, but I just feel it is justice that he is gone, he contributed to another's death in my eyes, even worse, he tried to ruin an innocent man and did in some people's eyes, so he didn't deserve to live in happiness, Michael's 3 kids lost a wonderful farther as a result of your lie that set a wheel in motion, yes Jordy has lost a farther now too, but I don't think he has really lost that much, I doubt Evan was the loving farther Michael was, maybe it's justice for you too after all, you allowed your lie to go on living when you could have come forward and stopped it.

Saturday 7 November 2009

Michael Jackson Thriller doll!

Wow! I have always liked vinyl toys but as they are very expensive I don't really buy them unless I think the detail and quality is outstanding, the only collectables I have are the Chucky and Tifanni dolls from Child's play, (I have the sideshow official ones they are the best in terms of detail and accuracy!) I also have the wall-e toys, (the big ones that talk etc) and 4 of the Michael Jackson cosbaby's by "hot toys" these are awesome but very badly made, I had about 3 of them break and they needed replacing or glueing together, they were £20 each roughly and I got them from China, they are official but maybe because they are so small and fiddly that is why the bad build problems? However this new figure due to come out before X-mas, (yes I know it is a cash in but I have to have it, it is amazing! I have never seen such a good representation of the king of pop such as this one!) in fact I have already pre-ordered my model as it is set to sell out instantly and then you know the price will probably double, yes it is very pricey, at £179.00 or you can get it for around £125 on e bay but then you have to risk it coming from China, possible damage, issues with customs, hassle of return if there is a fault etc so I might just buy mine here in the UK, that way you can put a deposit down now and pay the rest when it's released!
Anyway here are some pictures and you will see what I mean about the quality! take a look:

There was also a "billie Jean" version released before this one, which doesn't look no-where near as good as this one, what put me off that one was the way the head is joined, there is a line around the jaw and it looks "odd" this ones seems to join better so you don't get that obvious line, I also like his face better here, he looks adorable with his amazing smile and you get 2 heads! what could be better than a mini-Michael Jackson figurine all for yourself! expensive but worth it in my opinion! I paid over £200 for the 4 absolute sandman novels so why not pay a bit less than that for this? I guess it depends on what you are like with money and how much you are willing to pay for it! but for me it's a definite! any one else gonna buy one?

Below is a pic of the Michael Jackson Cosbaby set

And some images of the "Billie jean" doll...

And here is a picture I found of some Michael figures that are up for auction, staring with a lifesize wax model on the left!

Michael Jackson Tribute Comic

(cover C from the 2nd printing, on the way!)

(cover B from the first printing)

(cover A from the first printing)

We all know that Michael Jackson was a big fan of comics, characters, toys etc, (well if you didn't you do now! lol) and now Bluewater have come out with a special 32 page tribute magazine which chronicles Michael's life from the mowtown years to his solo career and then later controversial life, the creators have stated that the comic will not shy away from his personal affairs either but will be a celebration of Michael's legacy. Here is what Bluewater president Darren Davis has to say about it:

"We knew it would be a popular title, but even we were surprised how fast the book sold," said Bluewater president Darren Davis. "We leaked pages to different sites, shared them with fans and they decided this is a book worth owning." "This is a celebration of his life and what he meant to a legion of fans," Davis added. "Although the book won't shy away from some of his personal troubles, we try to tell a balanced story that shows Jackson as a musical genius, an unparalleled superstar and as a complex person."

I have found a few blog posts and articles that view this as a negative, claiming that the creators are trying to make money from Michael's unfortunate passing, which may be true, but at less than £3 for the mag and the fact that it is a "comic" makes it a very tempting buy for me being a comic collector anyway, (well I usually go for trade paper back novels for durability and value for money) I think I shall be getting one soon, there are 2 cover releases and a 3rd one on the way each created by the artist Giuseppe Mazzola, I really like the 3rd cover, (previous editions sold out so a second printing is on the way with this 3rd cover) which cover do you prefer? what are your thought's on the comic being released? will you be buying one? I will scan some images of the comic when I get it for you to see how it looks inside!

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Michael Jackson inspired sequin jackets!

Seqiun jackets are everywhere! which is great because I have been looking for Michael inspired clothes to wear to the exhibition in London, (more about that later) to go with the fantastic black fedora hat and sequin white glove I ordered the other day from E bay! I paid a bit more to get the quality replica ones as there are lots of cheapy rubbish ones on there! (I won't wear these on a daily basis, well maybe the hat...) anyway I've had a look on e bay for the jackets and there are alot of them that suspiciously look the exact same for around £40 which I thought was good considering they are between £75-£130 on the high street, but then I began to realize that these jackets all look like the "primark" one and I don't fancy paying over £10 for a primark jacket! so I looked on asos and found a fantastic designer one in the sale for £50! can't be bad eh? so now at least it won't look the same as all the banged out mass produced ones floating around! but they're fine if that's what you want! I even spotted a vintage black and gold military styled one on e bay, that will get swept in in the blink of an eye! I almost got it myself but it won't "go" with what I have in mind unfortunately!
hmmm so now all I need are some sparkly white socks and some loafers or brogues!

Monday 2 November 2009

About the Michael Jackson fan blog:

This is a place for Michael fans to unite and share the love we have for Michael together in one place, I don't care how gay that might sound, a beautiful person has gone from our lives and I think we should be celebrating him and what he accomplished for the rest of time. There will never be another who can shine so brightly, it's true, the stars ARE a little brighter since he left, but sadly the world we live in is now that little bit duller, but fortunately for us Michael has left us with track after track of his amazing music, that none of the music today can even compare to, he wrote his own lyrics, poetry, music, dance moves, (ok so not 100% of the time but 99.9% of the time and the other 1% was collaborative or something written especially for him or inspired by him ) and he "was" the music! when he made a song, his "body" and his dance moves WERE the heartbeat and soul of that song, I doubt there will ever be an entertainer in history with the ability and dedication that he had, and even if someone comes close there's still one thing that Michael had and that they will NEVER have and that is his HEART! and his all encompassing love for the world and everything in it! God bless you Michael Jackson, what a beautiful person you are...
I started listening to your music at 2yrs of age, and that might sound fabricated to some but that is the truth from the bottom of my heart, one of my earliest memories ever of life is of being locked in my room, scared of the dark, I was between 2 and 4yrs of age, (iI know this because of where I lived at the time) and I had a very vivid imagination! and to comfort myself from the dark and the loneliness, (I just hated bed time, going to sleep terrified me and the dark!) I would hear Michael Jackson songs in my head and I would see him dancing on my wall until I fell asleep. And that's where it started for me, throughout my entire child-hood I completely Idolized and loved him, and this continued through to my teenage years up until now and will always be the case. I remember crying whenever I heard something bad, even as a small child I couldn't understand why people tried to bring him down? and why people around me couldn't see what I saw? of course now I know, it's because they are victims of the media, they choose to believe all the lies instead of looking with their hearts for once and seeing for yourselves, that is why as children we loved him so much because children see things for what they are, with their innocent eyes, innocence knows innocence! we were not yet tainted by reality and the media so we had nothing to do but love and believe in him! even in my later years when I heard of the Chandler case and then the Arvizo bollox, I could see it was all lies, so why then did others find it so easy to believe? because this world is tainted and full of evil so we are quick to think the worst? because as human beings we dwell on negativity and refuse to see the good in the world? because Michael was such a rarity in humankind and he was not afraid to show it, he was not afraid to be who he was in front of us? so we condemn him? either way I believed in him as I'm sure millions of others did, and when Michael was vindicated and PROVEN innocent the media still chose to portray him in a negative light as they still do now with their "jacko" stories and not so kind euphemisms that they ever so subtly slip into their icy articles, well the media can go to hell
as can those that chose to believe them. I know the truth in my heart.

I am sorry that I have ended up talking about negative aspects of Michael's life and death, I do not want the blog to be that way, so this is the first and last time I will talk of it, I get carried away when I am passionate about something! besides Michael would not want that, he would forgive them I'm sure despite everything because he still see's the good in people and I'm sure he would have found a way to forgive them, unbelievably yes, but that is the joy and beauty of HIM. this blog is here to celebrate the love and the life of Michael and all the good that he did for this world so my apologies for putting something negative in there.

We each have our own thought's and experiences with Michael, some more privileged than others, but it does not lessen your value as a fan, no matter your age, background or experience, that is what this blog is for, it's for all of use who love Michael and still miss him terribly, for me writing this blog helps me to grieve, maybe for you reading it will help, or just showing your support by subscribing, also feel free to comment on whatever you like and feel free to forward anything you like regarding MJ to my attention and I will do a write up on it on your behalf. thank you for reading this and god bless, your support in this project is greatly appreciated so please subscribe and contribute where you can. xx R.I.P. MJ. xx

Michael Jackson wallpaper

there are some stunning Michael Jackson wallpapers out there that have been made by fans the world over, I am using one now myself, (see above) and thought I would collect some of my favorites and put them on here for all of MJfans unite supporters, although no one has subscribed yet and this is a new blog, I will keep the blog up regardless because I love MJ, but it would be alot more comforting if I knew there were others supporting and commenting and that I was doing this for other people and not just myself! so if you have found this blog please subscribe and comment to show your support, I'm just getting started but I am very passionate about what I believe in and one thing that I will always believe in no matter what is Michael Jackson! so nothing can touch the enthusiasm and dedication that I have for this! not even my hectic lifestyle of studying 2 courses and raising kids! R.I.P. MJ I love you. x